• External factors affecting the shelf life of modified atmosphere fresh-keeping packaging products:1. Temperature control: including environmental temperature control for processing, packaging, storage, transportation and sales. 2. Hygiene management: product processing and packaging adhere to good h
  • For food packaging, in today's society with a tight pace of life, consumers pay more attention to quality and nutrition in addition to convenience. Therefore, these two concerns have also become the manufacturer's handling of product packaging. We place great emphasis on ensuring product quality and
  • The editor of Mingwei Machinery will analyze the effect of modified atmosphere packaging on chilled fresh meat for you.The packaging of chilled meat has several forms, such as vacuum packaging, nitrogen-filled packaging and modified atmosphere fresh-keeping packaging. Because the color of cold meat
  • 净菜气调保鲜包装机作用 净菜气调保鲜包装机作用是经气调包装后的果蔬、冷鲜肉处于0℃-4℃温度下冷藏,她在二氧化碳抑菌作用下,使大多数微生物生长繁殖被抑制,肉毒梭菌和金黄色球菌等病原菌分泌毒素的速度大大降低。而保留少量氧气的包装盒内,使得生鲜肉细胞活体处于低速有氧呼吸状态,不至形成厌氧反应,肌红蛋白不会褐变,在保鲜期内生鲜肉色泽鲜艳,且肉质更为柔软,水果、蔬菜经过气调包装,采用低氧微压及CO2抑菌,使得新鲜水果、蔬菜有氧呼吸的速度降至低,处于休眠状态。另外,经气调包装后的果蔬放置于0℃-4℃低温冷藏,进一步降低果蔬活体细胞的新陈代谢速度,从而大大延长其保鲜期,气调包装机是近年来欧美、日本等发达地
  • With the improvement of people's living standards, there is a strong attraction to fresh food. The use of modified gas to pack perishable food has evolved into a market trend, so the requirements for food preservation technology are getting higher and higher, so Xiaobian Xiaobian will take you to a
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