• Meat, as food, enjoys a special status in the general concept of man. Compared with other staple foods such as cereals, vegetables, and fruits, meat is often considered to be a more delicious and rare food, especially in ancient and modern times and even in the first half of the 20th century; and in
  • Going to the supermarket, you can often see the beef steak packaged on the cold fresh counter, which is not only beautiful in appearance, but also delicious in meat quality. But what about beef in these modified atmosphere packages? The fresh food retail industry can be said to be the most popular n
  • After the fresh fruits and vegetables mushrooms are harvested, they still maintain the metabolic respiration activity of absorbing O2 and expelling CO2. If the O2 content in the package is reduced and the CO2 content is increased, the fruits and vegetables can maintain weak aerobic respiration witho
  • Zhejiang Mingwei Machinery Co., Ltd. is also known as lightly processed or micro-processed fruits and vegetables for fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. After grading, sorting, cleaning, cutting, pitting, peeling, trimming, packaging, etc. Remaining fresh, consumers can cook or eat these products witho
  • 气调包装是食品保鲜的优选 浙江名炜机械有限公司针对鲜切果蔬又称轻度加工或微加工果蔬,对新鲜水果或蔬菜进行分级、整理、清洗、切分、去核、去皮、修整、包装等处理后,使其保持生鲜状态,消费者购买这些产品后无须任何处理就可直接烹饪或食用。随着现代生活节奏的加快和生活水平的提高,人们对果蔬消费的需求越来越高,鲜切果蔬以其新鲜、方便、营养、等特点,受到越来越多人的青睐,尤其是在欧美、日本、泰国等地区,消费者对这种鲜切果蔬带来的消费方式已经十分普遍。 鲜切果蔬具有一定的便利性,因此公共餐饮业对其需求量很大。然而,鲜切果蔬必须经过剥皮、去核、切削、切片等处理过程,而这些处理过程都是导致这种半加工果蔬货架期迅速
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