
Knowing that you are interested in technology, we have listed articles on similar topics on the website for your convenience. As a professional manufacturer, we hope that this news can help you. If you are interested in learning more about the product, please feel free to contact us.
  • Fresh-keeping packaging technology for various agricultural and sideline products
    Fresh-keeping packaging technology for various agricultural and sideline products
    New method of grain preservation: Bulgarian agricultural experts have invented a simple and economical new method of grain preservation. When the crops are harvested, the seeds are allowed to dry slightly, put into a large polyethylene bag, and then sealed. The grains preserved in this way will neit
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  • Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology on Fresh Meat
    Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology on Fresh Meat
    Modified atmosphere fresh-keeping packaging is also called MAP or CAP abroad, and domestically called modified atmosphere packaging or replacement gas packaging, inflatable packaging. It is to use packaging materials with gas barrier properties to package food. According to the actual needs of custo
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  • Preservation Technology of Pork in Modified Atmosphere Packaging
    Preservation Technology of Pork in Modified Atmosphere Packaging
    At present, the main forms of pork circulation on the market are hot fresh meat, frozen meat, and cold fresh meat, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Hot fresh pork is pork that is slaughtered and sold, but the quality of pork is poor, and safety and hygiene cannot be guarantee
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  • Application of Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology in Food Packaging
    Application of Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology in Food Packaging
    Due to the problem of the fresh-keeping period, many real specialty food stores cannot go out of the house and cannot be sold overnight. The market radius is very narrow, thus losing a huge consumer group. The modified atmosphere fresh-keeping packaging machine of Mingwei Packaging Machinery Co., Lt
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  • Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology
    Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology
    气调包装技术 气调包装机是目前大型食品企业,鲜肉、熟食品、水果、蔬菜等配送企业,大型卖场所必备的食品包装设备,气调保鲜包装机, 是针对冷鲜肉、熟食品、果蔬等专门推出的一款盒式气调保鲜包装机,这种包装的基本原理是用高阻隔材料(塑料托盘和封盖膜)将食品与外界的空气隔绝,托盘内充入混合气体使所包装的食品长时间保持原有的风味和外观,并抑制各种细菌与微生物的滋生,设备采用全封闭真空置换的方式对食品进行充气保鲜包装,即在真空室全封闭的状态下,利用真空泵对真空室进行抽真空,使真空室内构成高真空度,然后充入适合食品延期保鲜的气体。这种包装方式可以使容器内残氧含量降到低,有利于精确控制各种保鲜气体的比例,采用全
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